Monday, August 4, 2008

SCREAM For Understanding

Proverbs 2:3-5, "If you scream for insight and if you call loudly for understanding, if you pursue it like you would money and search it out as you would hidden treasure, then the Lord will be awesome to you and you will come into possession of the knowledge of God".

I think it's great that God would be like that to us. It's funny to think that God is so simple but even us Christians, who know God's love and grace, tend to complicate who God is. He says to come to Him like little children. What's complicated about that?

Gaining insight and understanding has always been my thing about being a Christian. I'm always trying to figure out what He wants for me, why He loves me, and what this life means. Don't we all? The intellectual assets gained in being a Christian is astronomical. For one, we have the best worldview of this world. We are living for the Kingdom, which means that what we do here, reflects in eternity. As Christians, we know what makes this world a better place and that is the love of Jesus. God, being as omnipotent as He is, knows just how much knowledge to give us. What we gain intellectually is a gift of God. This verse in Proverbs is a big boost for me because in all the the books I read and all the thinking I do, I never know enough. So if I scream and call loudly for what I need to know, then God will give me what I need.


1 comment:

sharon said...

God always gives us what we need. and He knows our needs before we even do. if we desire to know Him and seek Him out, He is there. there is no second guessing the love of God. we second guess ourselves feeling and knowing we are not worthy. so the human side of us knows we are not worthy but the soul side of us, God knows. God allows us to know what He wants us to know. it's the desire to know Him, the desire!! that puts a smile on His gracious face. thank you, Jesus!! ♥